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2018 Fantasy Football Strength of Schedule Guide
The Fantasy Trade Deadline is upon us. The Fantasy Playoffs are only four games away. Every single owner -- whether you’re in desperate Win Now mode or comfortably set for a playoff run -- can improve their title chances before Friday.
One of the most crucial factors in calculating the right move is Fantasy Football Strength of Schedule.
At this point in the season, defenses are what they are: exploiting RBs vs. Arizona or QBs vs. Tampa Bay is nearly foolproof, for example. With 9 games of evidence, Fantasy Football Strength of Schedule analysis is far more valid now than in the preseason.
With this in mind, we dive into each position with two mindsets:
A) Win-Now / ROS outlook - owners who need a juicy immediate schedule to ensure they make the playoffs
B) Playoff Schedules - owners who are comfortably at the top of their league, and want to ensure they have the top firepower to take down the championship
This Fantasy SoS Guide Features
5 Easiest QB, RB, WR, and TE Schedules to Exploit and Buy!
Which players and teams are set to explode down the stretch? Who'll carry you into your fantasy playoffs?

5 Hardest Rest of Season Schedules to Sell High and Avoid
Who faces a brutal slate of match-ups that should be Sold High or avoided? What players could ruin fantasy seasons when needed most?

In-Depth Fantasy Playoff Schedule Analysis to Dominate the Title Run
Atop your league and ready to gear up to win the title?
The Wolf breaks down everyone you need to target

Rest of Season Big Board and Rankings
Before pulling the trigger on any deals, find out where The Wolf ranks all the players involved (and hit him up @RotoStreetWolf for any questions)

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Other Wolves have LOVED the 2018 SoS Guide so far
No one does in-depth strength of schedule stuff, and it's absolutely crucial for stretch runs. Never seen anything like this -- incredible and well-organized analysis. Can't wait to smash my idiot league mates at the trade deadline now.
The Roto Street Guys do it again. Always finding the helpful analysis that no one does
Other owners will be shitting pancakes after I destroy them down the stretch, thanks to this schedule guide. Just robbed the Alex Collins owner.
But take a look for yourself:

Easiest Rest of Season Schedules to Buy
Hardest Schedules to Avoid

Playoff Analysis to win that Title
Big Board & Rankings

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